Sunday 17 January 2010

Main task: Feedback from sketches


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  2. This is the initial assessment of your research and planning. The mark provided here does not guarantee a specific grade (A, B, C etc), it is the mark I am recommending that we give to this work. This mark will be moderated internally by my colleagues prior to any external moderation by the exam board. Therefore, your mark could go up or down before the final grade is awarded.
    Level 3 13/20 marks
    There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience. Your 'feedback from the sketches' reveals your enjoyment of video production.
    There is minimal organisation of models, locations, costumes or props.
    There is basic work on layouts and drafting. - the sketches could be more developed with more research into fonts, colour schemes etc.
    There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning
    Time management is not demonstrated with a time plan, or similar.
