Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Evaluation - 4.) What have you learn about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

One of the main technologies we used and have learnt about from developing our media product is Photoshop. Beforehand I honestly knew nothing about it, but now I'm able to use different tools such as stamp tool, clearing blemishes and maybe even giving the model another piercing. I also learnt through research how professional magazines use Photoshop to make models look more glamorous and sexy, such as making their feet bigger in order to allow their legs to look longer. When we were creating our contents page we used a programme called Quark Express, we use margins, text boxes, pictures, small font etc… All things we had learnt from looking at other contents pages and their layouts; e.g. 2 column contents, 3 column etc… Even though most people know how to use digital cameras for our mid-close up photo we had to learn how to use a professional digital camera which most of us hadn't used before; we looked at the flash, zoom and took practice images so we were able to get a perfect medium-close up of our model. There was also the case of creating files and naming them correctly so we were able to access and find our work quickly and easily. Finally, we created our online blogs on, this is something I had previously used so I was able create my blog and access it quite easily. We put our work on our blogs so we are able to look at older pieces to remind and revise from.

1 comment:

  1. A decent blog that reveals good knowledge of the basic concepts we have studied so far. I am concerned by the lack of attendance so far and the effects this will have if it continues when the class are dealing with the more complex work to be faced this half term.

    You can do this have just got to make a stay or go... to commit to the way the class works (groupwork, creative print work) or go. Its up to you.

    In future blogs I want you to consider including images, links etc to make the blog a little interesting. The way a blog is displayed is part of the assessment criteria for the course.

