Thursday 11 March 2010

Evaluation - (2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Given the current stereotypical view of youth today (violent, sex mad and anti-social hoodies or middle class, clarinet playing and ‘Skins’ watching teens) I wanted to show the positive working class side of youth; people who are actually trying to make something of themselves – people who find relief through music.

Male or female?

I think my magazine would predominately appeal to males considering it includes quite a few masculine bands – although I photographed a strong female cover star in order to retain balance, so my magazine could appeal to a wider demographic.

Challenging of dominant ideologies

I believe my media product challenge ideologies by showing young people as hopeful and talented individuals with a future as appose to the Daily Mails ideal of “yobs” destroying Britain. This can be shown in the pictures which I took; for example a young man in a hoodie outside playing the trumpet – it’s an alternative representation. The individuals are darkly dressed yet they are surrounded by light which connotes enlightenment and hope.

My cover star is a young female artist who is not being sexualised – and for a magazine which is mainly for males this is breaking the status quo. I was trying to give a positive representation of women by showing a strong, alternative and intelligent lady on my front cover – she is in black and completely neutral, she is a better role model than mainstream music offers us nowadays.

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