Tuesday 29 September 2009

Student magazine front cover analyses

Soup magazine

Denotations: A gas meter in the background, a tin of soup cooking on red grill in front of an old radio, serif font, black, white and red colours used. Red circles and black graphic in the background.

Connotations: Quite an artistic front cover (magazine for artists), which summons up images of poor living conditions and old technology - which would be the case we artist considering they often make little. (A magazine for the economically unstable?) It could be that, or it could just be a pretentious and frivolous art magazine for people who like to think they're cultured.

This magazine is for radicals and maybe underachievers. For radicals, because they consider themselves as individual and unique (this magazine front cover is quite distinct). You could argue that it's also for underachievers because the tinned soup and old radio suggest quite a simple and dull life, they can't be bothered to cook a proper meal (artists being more creative than domesticated.) The old radio could show that this magazine is also for traditionalists. Maybe for people who are post materialists as well, because they want to make something of their lives in years to come.
Age group 18-26
Ammunition magazine

Denotations: Female model lying down in a white background with blonde hair and black streaks wearing a black and white dress with silver earings. The mast head is a sans serif font for all the text, and 'UNI' is in red compared to the rest of the masthead which is black. There is a red, white and black colour scheme for the cover.
Connotations: A stylish University magazine, which is very classy. It's British magazine because it says "Proud to be British." It seems to be for people who enjoy alternative music and alternative comedy, yet still enjoy Britains older culture. For anyone who enjoys films, music, television, fashion and so on.
For aspirers because this magazine seems quite glamourous and middle class, they want to climb up the social ladder. Also for radicals because it discusses lesser know musicians such as 'Dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip' who are generally consider to be quite an underground duo. These people are potentially post materialists because they want to be something later in life.
Age group 20-26

Student magazine

Denotations: Green background with a woman in a white shirt and lime green bikini, she has long brown hair and she is opening the collar of her shirt. White and green colour scheme. Green circle with 'Debut Issue' written inside it, a green clover behind some text.
Connotations: Quite a simple front cover with a white and green colour scheme. It could be a British magazine, but the font for the mast head looks like the sort of thing sporty people in America use. It's obviously for people who want a good time, enjoy drinking and clubbing etc... The enthuses on St. Patrick's Day supports this concept.
Post materialists and hedonists would read this because they enjoy life and want things now. Traditionalists and underachievers could also read this because St. Patrick's Day is a famous tradition, as well as underachievers, who enjoy a good time and getting drunk.